The Apparatus Offer
Precision Construction Accounting in Ninety Days, or It’s Free!
- Are you ready to have the precision construction accounting system your business has always needed?
- Are you ready to harness the power of a team of specialists who can give this to you?
Here’s what you get:
The Apparatus Plan That Fits:
Click on “Yes….I’m Ready…” below and complete our Preliminary Client Application. This starts your journey to becoming a client of Apparatus. We’ll help you select the level of our service that fits your goals, whether that’s Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. There are no long-term contracts. We work exclusively on a month-to-month basis with our clients, which means we need to re-earn your business and your trust each and every month.
The Precision Accounting System You Need:
We’ll work with your team to transform your Quickbooks® bookkeeping system into a precision construction accounting system based on the NAHB model chart of accounts, tightly integrated with your construction management system, supported by well-documented procedures and workflows, and finely tailored to the exact needs of your construction business.
Implemented Using a Proven Process:
We’ll use our client-proven proprietary 9-step Precision Bookkeeping Formula™ as a roadmap to rapidly execute a smooth handoff of your existing bookkeeping system from your current provider to Apparatus and to perform the step-by-step transformation of this bookkeeping system into the precision accounting system your construction business has always needed.
That Delivers Results Immediately:
We’ll ensure that starting immediately, you’ll see a stream of week-by-week improvements to the tools, workflows, and capabilities of your bookkeeping system. This campaign of improvements will deliver a precision construction accounting system that gives you the information you need to understand the finances of your construction business and the power to build the highly profitable construction business you’ve always known is possible.
With No Headaches for You:
We’ll train and work with an administrative member of your team who you select to be the primary contact and permanent bridge between your company and Apparatus. You’ve got enough on your plate already.
That Pays for Itself:
We’ll give you a precision accounting system that unlocks the insights you need to do more projects per year at higher margins, generating additional profits to more than pay for our service.
That Works in Ninety Days, Or It's Free:
We’ll work in collaboration with your team to transform your current bookkeeping system into a precision construction accounting system in ninety days or less. If we miss this milestone, we’ll suspend any further fees and keep working for free until the transformation is complete.
And That Positions Your Business For Faster Growth:
We’ll give you additional bonuses when you become an Apparatus client. These bonuses are free and are built into the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum service levels.
Bonus #1 – The Apparatus Client Community:
You’ll be part of a community of other ambitious construction entrepreneurs transforming their businesses. We take pride in making introductions among our clients when we see opportunities for learning and collaboration that will benefit both parties.
Bonus #2 – The Apparatus Professionals Network:
You’ll have access to a growing ecosystem of other professionals who are working to be heroes to the same type of construction entrepreneurs who become Apparatus clients. We have a growing network of CPAs, Attorneys, Insurance Brokers, Construction Business Coaches, Lenders, Marketing Professionals, and more. If you need help in other areas to achieve your business growth goals, we can recommend a professional with the skills you seek.